Rent An Asphalt Dumpster In New Jersey
Looking to rent an asphalt dumpster in New Jersey? Before you select a company other than Christensen Recycling to handle your asphalt dumpster rental, make sure you understand the specifics of your job and how it relates to your asphalt disposal needs. Asphalt is such a heavy material, which means that you not only need a dumpster capable of handling the weight of the asphalt, but also a heavy-duty truck for hauling the dumpster. In addition, you have to consider the environmental impact of asphalt disposal, making it critical that you pick a full service waste disposal company.
One of the most important things to know is that asphalt is incredibly heavy. Asphalt’s density is 145 pounds per cubic foot, which means that it weighs 3,915 pounds per cubic yard. This makes it the heaviest commonly-used building material that you are likely to encounter in routine demolitions or renovations. You determine the size of the dumpster that you need based on weight, not because of the dumpster capacity as much as the hauling capacity of the trucks used to pull the dumpsters. You can face overweight charges if you exceed capacity. That is why our customer service specialists will talk to you before your job to help you determine whether you need a 10-yard or a 20-yard asphalt dumpster. A 10-yard asphalt dumpster is sized right for small jobs, like removing a one-car driveway, and should only be filled to within 12 to 18 inches of the top to avoid overweight charges. A 20-yard asphalt dumpster is perfect for mid-size jobs, like the removal of a two-car driveway.
Asphalt needs to be properly loaded into a dumpster for safety, and, because of disposal guidelines asphalt dumpsters need to be dedicated to asphalt. If you need a mixed-use dumpster for asphalt and concrete, we can provide one of those, as well. Just let us know beforehand, so that we can give an accurate price for disposal.
Another thing to consider when you are handing asphalt demolition is that the weight of the asphalt, combined with the weight of the dumpster, has the potential to damage the storage area. We recommend using plywood underneath the dumpster for even weight distribution in order to minimize the risk of damage.
Contact us today for more information about asphalt dumpsters and asphalt disposal. We would be happy to answer your questions or schedule your dumpster.