Designing a Circular Economy
One of the biggest sources of waste is food and organic waste. With our resources steadily depleting, there are a wealth of worldwide initiatives that are targeting this waste to create new, more efficient ways to reduce our impact on the environment. In this article, we discuss a number of innovative ways in which researchers are creating brand new methods to tackle this growing problem to change the world for the better.
Agricultural and Food Processing Waste Reduction
The agricultural and food processing industries are two of the biggest producers of waste, and researchers at University College Dublin are finding new ways to turn this waste material into productive materials. Having received worldwide funding, the team is performing analysis of waste materials from potato pulp, rice bran, and forest residues to turn them into biodegradable products such as packaging, reducing our reliance on plastics.
Waste Material Turned into Power
In partnership with the team at University College Dublin, researchers at Nanjing Technical University in China have discovered that agricultural and food processing industry waste can be used as biofuel to generate power to LED lights. In addition, this waste can also be turned into a replacement for mineral fertilizers, a resource that is being steadily depleted as our industries grow.
Waste Reduction for the New Generation
The research program developed by University College Dublin has led to the creation of an educational program for primary school-aged children. The resource allows children to learn about the ways to minimize waste through videos and games to promote sustainable and zero-waste ideals at an early age.
Christensen Recycling adamantly supports the reduction of waste and the increase of recycling for the New Jersey community. To find out more about our mission and values or to learn about our services, call us at (908) 421-1493.
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